Supply Chain Business Case - Advanced Planning and Optimisation
Specialty chemicals business achieves 10% sales growth, 25% reduction in inventory and 50% reduction of aged stock.
We developed a compelling and robust business case. The business case successfully enabled our client to realise their financial benefits, which significantly exceeded the business case projections.

Supply Chain Business Case - Advanced Planning and Optimisation

Specialty chemicals business achieves 10% sales growth, 25% reduction in inventory and 50% reduction of aged stock.


 An Australian specialty chemicals business challenge was addressing the complex issue of improving customer services levels. Our client business requirement was for an advanced planning and optimisation system for sales forecasting, purchasing, and inventory management functions.

Supply Chain Business Case - Advanced Planning and Optimisation


The strategic outcome is to optimise inventory levels, improve customer service levels, reduce supply chain costs, reduce lost sales, reduce inventory levels,  and make better purchasing (replenishment) decisions.

Chase Consulting developed the business case for an advanced planning and optimisation system for an Australian provider to distribute and formulate speciality chemicals and ingredients for the food, pharmaceutical, home care, advanced materials and coatings, and construction sectors.


We developed a compelling and robust business case delivered to key decision-makers on the Australian and international boards.

The business case successfully enabled our client to realise the financial benefits, which significantly exceeded the business case projections.

The project was implemented over three months. As a result, our client realised 10% sales growth, 25% reduction in inventory and 50% reduction of aged stock.

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