Service Planning Business Case
The business case for investing in community health.
Our client is one of Australia’s leading providers of community health services. Their strategic opportunity was to optimise the number and location of their service centres locations, which had grown to over 15 sites.

Service Planning Business Case

The business case for investing in community health.


 Our client is one of Australia’s leading providers of community health services.

Their strategic opportunity was to optimise the number and location of their service centres locations, which had grown to over 15 sites.

Service Planning Business Case


To develop a robust business case, we modelled their targeted client profile against the 15-year population growth projections to optimise the number and locations of the customer service centres.

We developed a sophisticated population growth model that quantified the differing population growth increases in each LGA area to account for the varying client demand growth rates across their service centres.

We develop a compelling and robust business case delivered to key decision-makers on their Australian board.


The business case recommended the optimised number of sites and rebalanced their catchment areas.

The business case recommendation had a solid financial case with a strong return on investment, the internal rate of return (IRR) was 86%, and the payback period was 2 years.

The business case successfully enabled our client to realise the financial benefits, which significantly exceeded the business case projections.

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